Monday, May 9, 2011

Lets get Creative!

Pagi ni instead ke pejabat aku kne pegi training..Creative Thinking & Problem Solving..memang kne sangat la dengan aku..

Overall the training was excellent..n kalo sesiape yg ase he/she wants to be creative should go to the training, we will gain a lot n very motivate. Mostly die banyak talk on how to be different form others n not to follow others...To be different is not easy kan especially nowadays we are living in a very competitive world.. sumenye nk bersaing...if we are not different than how can others recognize you...btoi jgak cakap Bryan tu.
Aku pun terpikir..bile start dh meniaga baju baby secara kecil2 lan nih..baru mende tuh can my biz be differ from others n how can i make people knows a starting nih, aku ase marketingla yg paling penting..if not how can i sell my stuff..itu for my part time bout my core can i be different?how to impress my boss?impress lebey2 nnt ade org kate kte kaki ampu la plak start to think creatively..

Ade 1 part  yg paling menarik my attention during the session, die ade tunjuk a chart showing that a scientist had done an astronaut test to 5 yrs old children and the result showed that 98% of them were creative.The same test had been done to 10 yrs,15 yrs & 25 yrs old adult...n u know what..creativity is  getting lesser  n lesser when we grew older. for adult yg berumur 25 thn..hanya 2% sahaja yg creative..n you know why when we grew older we are less is because we have obstacles such as rules or we even malu to voice out our opinion..all sort of pessimist thoughts that lead us not to be creative..not like 5yrs old children..they are free, they are not bind to any rules n they are not shy to express the best part when Bryan told us was that..whenever your child likes to imagine things.. give them some space to be not scold them..bile kte marah anak2 nih  they will stop to be creative sbb die ingat imagining tuh salah..btoi jak kan..we should support them..So sesiape yg ade anak2 kecik tu  let your children play..kalo nk conteng ke ape ke...y not kte sedia kan 1 wall utk die or kalo taknak kte letak kertas mahjung n tell them, they  can draw n express ape je yg diorang nk kat wall tuh..our children creativity worth more than RM100/can of paint kan..hehe..

Bnyak lagi la yg i gained can an actress invent 1  thing yg luar dari scope keje die.. if im not mistaken she invented an anti jamming frequency radio for j k rowling achieved what  she have now tho she was a divorcee back then  n he also showed us clips on pantene advertisement which i found so touched..Peugeot ad..banyak lagila..inspiring..if ade training mcm nih tiap2 hari kan good..u will always be motivated kan..hehe barula keje pun syok je..Ok tu je aku nak share for now..stil waiting for my hubby to be homed..till then As-salam n nite people..